Edukativni centar Avalon

Škola stranih jezika Novi Sad, Kać, Šid, Bački Petrovac

Avalon edukativni centar logo Edukativni centar Avalon postoji od 2004 i od tada uspešno gradi poverenje svojih klijenata.
Osnivači su profesori engleskog jezika sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom u nastavi i specijalizacijom u inostranstvu što je osnovna premisa za uspešno ostvarivanje programskih sadržaja sa kandidatima.

Sedište edukativnog centra Avalon je u Novom Sadu, u samom centru grada. Moderno opremljen prostor (biblioteka, računari, projektori, interaktivne table) kao i kontinuirano usavršavanje našeg tima profesora u domenu metodologije nastave stranih jezika, garantuje vrhunski kvalitet nastave  o čemu svedoče i uspesi naših kandidata.

Nastava stranih jezika se izvodi kroz kurseve, čiji su termini prilagođeni slobodnom vremenu kandidata, a odvija se tokom dva semestra. Kursevi, s obzirom na vrstu programa i potreba polaznika, traju jedan, četiri, šest ili osam meseci. Tokom čitave godine AVALON nudi mogućnost informisanja, prijavljivanja i besplatnog dijagnostičkog testiranja.

NAŠA MISIJA  Avalon pruža najkvalitetniju dopunu formalnoj osnovnoj, srednjoj i univerzitetskoj jezičkoj edukaciji kroz jasno definisane,međunarodno akreditovane i standardizovane nastavne  planove i programe, konstatnu superviziju kvaliteta nastave i kontinuirano usavršavanje predavača kako u zemlji tako i u inostranstvu.




Sanja i Maja su se upoznale na samom početku studija, u kantini Filozofskog fakulteta, koji je centar svih važnih zbivanja i izvor svih bitnih studentskih informacija. Tada nisu ni slutile da će se jednog dana iz studentskog druženja, razmenjivanja skripti i zajedničkog spremanja ispita roditi ideja Avalona, ozbiljnog jezičkog centra po ugledu na evropske, ne samo po kvalitetu predavača i savremene interaktive opremljenosti, već i kvalitetnih programa načinjenih prema postulatima najuvaženijih autoriteta iz oblasti metodologije nastave engleskog jezika. Više od petnaest godina nakon upoznavanja u već pomenutoj kantini, njihovom timu se pridružuje i Mladen, kolega i jedan od najboljih studenta generacije, koji je dugo lutao bankarskim vodama, a onda odlučio da je struka za koju se obrazovao ipak najlepši posao na svetu.
I priča Avalona nastavlja da se razvija i raste na njihovom entuzijazmu, idejama, posvećenosti, ljubavi, kreativnosti i odgovornosti prema profesiji.

Više o timu Edukativnog centra Avalon:

Sanja Mijatovic-Majin je rođena 29.06.1976. u Novom Sadu. Tokom osnovne škole najviše uspeha je postizala upravo iz engleskog, te odlučuje da upiše gimnaziju Isidora Sekulić, društveno-jezički smer. Poslednju godinu gimnazije pohađa u Americi, Denfeld High School. Nakon mature 1995. godine upisuje Filozofski Fakultet, Odsek za anglistiku, gde je i diplomirala i stekla zvanje profesora engleskog jezika i književnosti. Master studije na matičnom fakultetu upisuje 2008. godine a 2009. godine uspešno brani tezu iz oblasti psiholingvistike Bilingvalni razvoj fonoloških aspekata u procesu usvajanja engleskog kao stranog jezika-prikaz slučaja (The Bilingual Development of Phonological Aspects in the Process of Acquiring English as a Second Language-A Case Study).
U Avalonu drži pripremne kurseve za ESOL ispite (FCE, CAE, CPE) TOEFL i IELTS, kao i usko specijalizovane kurseve jezika iz oblasti medicine i turizmologije.

Maja Mihajlović-Rakić je rođena 23.06.1976. u Novom Sadu. Ljubav prema engleskom jeziku joj prenosi mama Buba, sudski tumač i profesor engleskog jezika i književnosti. Nakon završene osnovne škole Petefi Šandor, po želji roditelja polaže prijemni za srednju ekonomsku školu, a krišom odlazi na prijemni ispit u Karlovacku gimnaziju koji uspešno polaze sa zavidnim brojem bodova i 1991. godine, Maja upisuje Karlovačku gimnaziju smer Savremeni jezici.
Filozofski Fakultet
, Odsek za anglistiku, upisuje 1995. godine. Te iste godine odlazi u Englesku, London Academy, gde pohađa jedan od  ESL kurseva. Dobija ponudu da ostane i radi kao activity leader sa studentima strancima. Nakon 6 meseci vraća se u Novi Sad, zbog ispitnih obaveza, ali još nekoliko sledećih godina odlazi tokom letnjih raspusta na usavršavanje u Englesku. Avalon pocinje sa radom u Novom sadu i u Šidu 2004. godine, a od 2009. u Kaću i Kovilju. Maja je radila  na izradi planova i programa nastave engleskog na ranom uzrastu (deca od 3-6) kao i planova i programa za decu školskog uzrasta. Idejni tvorac je Avalon drama club, gde osmišljava predstave i priredbe i prilagodjava ih znanju i uzrastu đaka Avalona koje ih podučavaju kulturi i istoriji engleskog i američkog naroda.

Mladen Jakovljević je rođen 11.07.1975. godine u Novom Sadu, gde je 1995. godine upisao Filozofski fakultet i stekao zvanje profesora engleskog jezika i književnosti na Odseku za anglistiku. Na istom fakultetu upisuje i magistarske studije i 2007. godine uspešno brani magistarsku tezu Mit i tehnologija u stvaralaštvu Rodžera Zelaznija. U međuvremenu, radi u poznatoj domaćoj banci, prvo na poslovima prevođenja i inokorespondencije, a potom prelazi u odeljenja za odnose s javnošću, marketing i potom u ljudske resurse. Tokom rada na doktorskoj disertaciji Paralelni svetovi: odnos postmoderne proze prema fantastičnoj i naučnofantastičnoj književnosti odlučuje da se pridruži timu Avalona. Mladen je uspešno odbranio doktorsku disertaciju i stekao zvanje doktora književnih nauka 2012. godine, a osim kurseva opšteg engleskog, svoje dugogodišnje radno iskustvo u finansijskoj instituciji prenosi kandidatima u oblastima poslovne korespondencije i poslovnog engleskog jezika.

Ivana Zečević je rođena 16.11.1987. godine u Novom Sadu, gde na Fakultetu za pravne i poslovne studije, Odsek engleski jezik, stiče zvanje filologa angliste. Tokom poslednje godine studija odlazi u Kanadu na jezičko i kulturno usavršavanje, a tokom trajanja programa usavršava interaktivne metode u nastavi jezika. Fakultet završava u roku, 2009. godine, sa vrlo dobrim prosekom. Ivana se pridružuje timu Avalona 2010. godine kao saradnik u nastavi. Svojim kreativnim pristupom u radu s decom, Ivana brzo osvaja simpatije najmlađih polaznika i zajedno s njima uspešno organizuje tematske predstave i novinarsku sekciju.

Dejvid Antoni Kičing je rođen 1972. godine u Lidsu, u Zapadnom Jorkširu u Engleskoj. U ranoj mladosti bio je fudbaler i predstavljao je svoju zemlju u ovom sportu. Dejvid je radio u različitim poslovnim okruženjima, uključujući i vođenje nekoliko barova u Jorkširu i Londonu.
Aktivno se bavi muzikom, kao i pisanjem tekstova za sve muzičke žanrove. Prvi put je došao u Srbiju početkom 2009. godine nakon što je napisao i snimio himnu za Exit festival.
Dejvid je od septembra 2011. godine  član tima Edukativnog centra Avalon i pretežno drži kurseve konverzacije, pošto još uvek nije dobro naučio srpski jezik 🙂 Dejvid uživa u nastavi i radu s ljudima kojima je okružen.

Danijela Ždrnja je rođena 07.06.1983. godine u Kikindi. Osnovnu i srednju školu je završila u Srpskoj Crnji, a zatim se upisala na Odsek za anglistiku na Filozofskom fakultetu u Novom Sadu 2002. godine.  Nakon sticanja zvanja profesor engleskog jezika i književnosti, od 2007. godine predaje engleski u osnovnim školama, a 2009. se pridružuje timu Avalona kao nastavnik engleskog jezika.

Danijela se kontinuirano usavršava u radu i sa decom i odraslima, a najviše uživa u radu sa najmlađim polaznicima.

Milana Friš (devojački Nadrljanski) je rođena 07.08.1982. godine u Novom Sadu, gde je upisala Filozofski fakultet, odsek za nemački jezik i književnost. U međuvremenu, boravi 3 godine u Švajcarskoj, u kantonima nemačkog govornog područja, radi usavršavanja jezika. Od 2009. godine Milana radi u nemačkom predstavništvu za elektro-medicinsku opremu u Novom Sadu na poslovima prevođenja, inokorespodencije, koordinacije zemalja jugo-istočne Evrope, ali i kao predavač srpskog jezika nemačkim državljanima u okviru firme.

Milana se pridružila timu Avalona 2009. godine, radila je na izradi planova i programa nastave nemačkog jezika za A1, A2 i B1 nivoe. Osim redovnih kurseva, drži pripremne kurseve za polaganje međunarodnih sertifikata na Geteovom institutu sa izvanrednim rezultatima prolaznosti kandidata na završnim ispitima

Karolina Šanta je rođena 17.03.1983. u Kikindi. Osnovnu i srednju školu završila je u Kikindi s odličnim uspehom. S obzirom na  uporedo usvajanje dva maternja jezika, srpski i mađarski jezik, već u detinjstvu se kod nje uočavao talenat za  strane jezike. Iz tog razloga, 2002. upisuje se na Odsek za anglistiku, na Filozofskom fakultetu u Novom Sadu. Nakon sticanja zvanja profesora engleskog jezika i književnosti, od 2006. godine predaje engleski u osnovnim školama, a 2009. se pridružuje timu Avalona kao nastavnik engleskog jezika.

Trenutno je na domasterizaciji na Odseku za anglistiku.

Olgica Andrić, rođena u Gornjem Milanovcu 21.10.1978. diplomirala na Filološkom Fakultetu u Beogradu 2002. na katedri za italijanski jezik i književost, a 2001. godine na Univerzitetu „Dante Alighieri“ u Ređo Kalabriji (Italija) stigla je do diplome nastavnika italijanskog jezika za strance. Za vreme studija radila kao novinar u pisanim medijima, od 2001. do 2009. radi kao televizijski novinar i voditelj na SOS Kanalu-sportska i zabavna redakcija(Beograd) i TV Panonija-informativna i sportska redakcija (Novi Sad) i  kao prevodilac na brojnim međunarodnim sportskim događajima i u pozorištu Madlenianum.

Od 2009. U potpunosti se posvećuje nastavi italijanskog jezika i brazilskog portugalskog, posećuje seminare za nastavnike i sarađuje sa kolegama iz inostranstva. Voli da kombinuje razne didaktičke metode, uz široku primenu multimedijalnih sadržaja. Svoja iskustva iz nastave prenosi čitaocima na blogu, piše poeziju i prozu i uživa u javnim nastupima (prezentacije, radionice, predavanja). Celog života prati fudbal i posećuje fudbalske utakmice.

U timu Avalona je od 2011.  Drži nastavu italijanskog za sve nivoe, konverzaciju, kao i sektorijalne jezike (poslovni italijanski, italijanski u turizmu, medicini, sportu).

Odlukom pokrajinskog sekretara od 4.3.2013. Olgica Andric je imenovana za stalnog sudskog tumaca za italijanski jezik pri Visem Sudu u Zrenjaninu.

Nataša Tomić je rođena 06.05.1987. u Vukovaru. Engleski jezik je počela da uči u 8. godini, pa je upisivanje društveno-jezičkog smera u gimnaziji Vukovar bio sasvim prirodan i logičan izbor. Nakon mature 2006. godine upisuje Filozofski fakultet, Odsek za anglistiku u Novom Sadu, koji završava 2010. godine i stiče zvanje diplomiranog filologa angliste. Master studije na matičnom fakultetu upisuje 2011. godine i trenutno se priprema za odbranu teze Kritička analiza udžbenika engleskog jezika 5-8. razreda osnovne škole, s obzirom da joj je specijalnost i polje interesovanja rad sa decom u nastavi engleskog jezika. Timu Avalona se pridružuje 2011. godine, nakon rada u osnovnoj školi kao nastavnica engleskog jezika. Kurseve opšteg engleskog drži deci i odraslima.

Nataša Jovanov-Topalidu, profesor grčkog jezika, magistrirala je 2001. godine grčki jezik na katedri za novogrčku lingvistiku, na Filozofskom Fakultetu, Aristotelovog Univerziteta u Solunu (Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Φιλοσοφική Σχολή). Od te godine, predavala je grčki jezik stranim studentima na svim nivoima u Školi za novogrčki jezik, pri Filozofskom fakultetu i u jednom edukativnom centru u Solunu.

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Avalon edukativni centar logo The Avalon Educational Center was established in 2004, and has been earning its clients’ trust ever since.

Its founders are professors of the English language with many years of teaching experience and specializations attained abroad, which is the basic premise for the successful creation of candidate-centered program contents.

The center is headquartered in the heart of Novi Sad, the center of the city.  A modern, well-equipped space (featuring a library, computers, projectors and interactive whiteboards), in addition to the continual professional development of our team of professors in the field of foreign language teaching methodology guarantees classes of the highest quality, quality which can also be seen in the success of our candidates.

Foreign language courses last two semesters, and are designed to fit within candidates’ free time.  Taking into account the type of program and candidates’ needs, courses can last either one, four, six, or eight months.  AVALON is open year-round to those seeking more information, wishing to register for a course, or take a free diagnostic test

OUR MISSION  Avalon offers the highest-quality supplement to elementary, high school, and university education through lesson plans and programs that are clearly defined, internationally accredited, and standardized.  The quality of lessons is constantly supervised, and Avalon’s instructors constantly strive to hone their skills both and home and abroad.

OUR VISION : Our vision is that a language will never stand in your way.



Sanja and Maja met at the very beginning of their studies at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Novi Sad, in the cafeteria, the center of events and source of important student-related information.  At the time, they had no idea that the hours they spent together hanging out, going over notes, and preparing for exams would give rise to the idea of Avalon, a  language center with its European counterparts as a model, not only in terms of the quality of instructors and contemporary, interactive equipment, but also the program of study, designed according to leading authorities on the subject of English-language teaching methodology. More than fifteen years after meeting in the aforementioned cafeteria, their team is joined by one of their colleagues and finest students of his generation, Mladen Jakovljević, who waded in banking waters for many years before deciding that the profession for which he was educated is in fact the most wonderful profession in the world.

Sustained their enthusiasm, ideas, love, creativity, and dedication to their profession, the story of Avalon continues to grow and develop.

More about the Avalon Educational Center Team:

Sanja Mijatović-Majin was born in Novi Sad on June 29, 1976.  In elementary school, her best subject was English; this success led her to attend Isidora Sekulić High School, and concentrate on the study of languages.  She spent her senior year of high school in the United States, studying at Denfeld High School in Duluth, MN.  After graduation, she enrolled at the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of English, at the University of Novi Sad.  By graduating, she earned the title of Professor of English Language and Literature.  She began studying for her master’s degree at the same faculty in 2008, and the following year, she successfully defended her thesis in the field of psycholinguistics: The Bilingual Development of Phonological Aspects in the Process of Acquiring English as a Second Language: A Case Study.  At Avalon, she conducts preparation courses for ESOL exams (FCE, CAE, CPE) TOEFL, IELTS and specialized courses in medicine and tourism.

Maja Mihajlović-Rakić was born in Novi Sad on June 23, 1976.  Her love of the English language was passed down to her by her mother, Buba, a Court Interpreter and Professor of English Language and Literature.  After completing the program of study at Petőfi Sándor Elementary School, Maja took the entrance exam for the Economic High School in accordance with her parents’ wishes, but also secretly took the entrance exam for Sremski Karlovci High School, scoring highly.  In 1991, she enrolled in Sremski Karlovci High School, and chose to concentrate on the study of modern languages.  Four years later, she enrolled at the the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of English, at the University of Novi Sad.  The same year, she completed an ESL course at the London Academy in England, where she received an offer to work as an Activity Leader with foreign students.  Six months later, she returned to Novi Sad due to academic obligations, but through the years, she has returned to England several times during summer breaks to further hone her English skills.  Since Avalon began operations in Šid and Novi Sad, in 2004, and Kać and Kovilj in 2009, Maja has planned programs of study for young children (ages 3-6), and those of school-age.  She is also the inspiration behind the Avalon Drama Club, where she creates customized (for children’s knowledge-levels and ages) theater performances designed to teach children about the history and culture of England and the United States.

Mladen Jakovljević was born in Novi Sad on July 11, 1975.  Mladen enrolled at the Department of English at the University of Novi Sad’s Faculty of Philosophy in 1995, and earned the title of Professor of English Language and Literature.  He began studying for his master’s degree at the same faculty, and in 2007, successfully defended his thesis: Myth and Technology in the Fiction of Roger Zelazny.  In the meantime, Mladen worked in a well-known domestic bank, first working on translations and internal correspondence, then in public relations and marketing, and later, human resources.  While working on his doctoral dissertation, Parallel Worlds: Postmodern Fiction’s Affinity for Fantastic and Science Fiction Literature, he decided to join the Avalon team.  Mladen brings many years of experience in the financial industry to both business and general English courses. He received his PhD in literature in 2012.

Ivana Zečević was born on November 16, 1987 in Novi Sad, where she graduated with a high GPA from the Department of English at the Faculty for Law and Business Studies in 2009.  During the final year of her studies, Ivana visited Canada, where she took part in a language and culture course; during which time she became better acquainted with interactive methods in language teaching.  In 2010, she joined the Avalon team as an instructor.  She quickly wins over the youngest of candidates with her creative approach to teaching, and with their help, she has inspired theatrical performances and led the school newspaper.

David Antony Kitching was born in Leeds, West Yorkshire in England in 1972. He spent his early years playing football and represented his country at the sport too. David has worked in business, retail and pub environments and has run several bars in Yorkshire and London. David is heavily involved in music especially writing lyrics in all genres. He first came to Serbia in early 2009 after writing and recording an anthem for the Exit festival.

David has been a part of the Avalon team since September 2011 teaching mainly conversation as his knowledge of the Serbian language is still very shaky 🙂 David very much enjoys his work and the people he works with.

Danijela Ždrnja was born on June 7, 1983 in Kikinda. She completed  primary and secondary school in Srpska Crnja, and then she enrolled at the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of English, at the University of Novi Sad in 2002. After earning the title of the Teacher of English Language and Literature, she began teaching English in primary schools in 2007. In 2009, she joined the Avalon team as a teacher of English. Danijela is constantly improving her teaching skills in teaching both children and adults, and she enjoys most working with the youngest candidates.

Jelena Stojkanović (nee Šikman) was born on 3 July 1987 in Kikinda, where she completed her primary and high-school education. After high-school, she enrolled at the Department of German Language and Literature at the University of Novi Sad’s Faculty of Philosophy. During her studies, she played parts in German theatres. While she was in her third years of study she taught German to over 230 children and adults, and she attended numerous seminars on methodology and pedagogy.

In 2010 Jelena was offered to work as a translator and assistant director in a German-Dutch company “Zelltron International”, first in Novi Sad, and after three months in Germany. She worked in Koblenz, Berlin and Amsterdam. As the assistant director, she attended numerous business events in companies such as “Lafarge“, “BAM“, “Gothaer Versicherung“, “Willibald“, “Inter-Forst“, etc. This challenging engagement helped her perfect her knowledge of German. However, after a year and a half, she decided to come back to the profession which she liked the most and she soon started working for Avalon. She teaches all German courses and preparations for certificates in German language.

Milana Friš (nee Nadrljanski) was born on 7 August 1982 in Novi Sad, where she enrolled at the Department of German Language and Literature, Faculty of Philosophy. She spent 3 years in German cantons of Switzerland where she worked and improved her knowledge of German. Since, 2009, Milana has been working for a German representative office of a company for medical equipment in Novi Sad as a translator, interpreter, correspondent and coordinator for the South-East Europe region, as well as a Serbian language teacher for the German speaking employees.

Milan joined our team in 2009 and she’s been working on the teaching plans and programs for A1, A2 and B1 levels. In addition to general courses, she has been preparing our students for the internationally recognized certificates issued by Goethe Institute.

Olgica Andrić was born on 21 October 1978 in Gornji Milanovac. She graduated from the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, Department of Italian Language and Literature in 2002. In 2001, she received an Italian language teaching certificate from the University of “Dante Alighieri“ in Reggio Calabria, Italy.  During her studies, she worked as a journalist in printed media and from 2001 to 2009 she worked as a TV reporter and host on a few local TV stations in Novi Sad and Belgrade, as well as a translator and interpreter at numerous international sports events and the renowned Madlenianum Theatre in Belgrade

In 2009 she decided to dedicate all her efforts to teaching Italian language, as well as Brazilian Portuguese. She attended numerous teaching seminars in the country and abroad. She likes to combine various teaching and didactic methods and multimedia teaching tools. She is an active blogger, a poet, and a passionate football fan. Olgica joined our team in 2011. She teaches Italian – general, conversational, business courses, as well as Italian in tourism, medicine and sports.

Karolina Šanta was born on March 17, 1983 in Kikinda. She completed  primary and secondary school in Kikinda with high marks. Considering her bilingual background at young age and that she acquired Serbian and Hungarian simultaniously, she started to show talent for languages, so, in 2002 she enrolled at the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of English, at the University of Novi Sad. After earning the title Professor of English Language and Literature, she began teaching English in primary schools in 2006. In 2009, she joined the Avalon team as a teacher of English. Currently, she is working on her master thesis at the Department of English.

Nataša Jovanov-Topalidu, a professor of Greek, earned her master’s degree in 2001 from the Department of Modern Greek Linguistics at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Aristotelian University (Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Φιλοσοφική Σχολή).  Since that time, she has taught Greek to foreign students of all levels in the School of Modern Greek at the Faculty of Philosophy, and at an educational center in Thessaloniki.

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